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Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki:Event Article Model

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Revision as of 23:12, 22 January 2021 by CrystalClear (talk | contribs) (typo/wanted page)

While this is a good article to get you started on creating event pages, you can always dive into creating articles without reading this one, simply by picking an appropriate event similar to the one you want to create and then adapt said event. This article mostly deals with the theory of article creation, thus experimenting with already-existing events is a more practical learning method. Make sure to use the preview function before saving your edits!

This article was created to unify editing of event articles on this wiki. It aims to provide a thorough understanding of event creation and explain the process in a way that all users, even those who have no knowledge of the wiki software or of wiki editing in general, are able to create events on their own. If anything in this article is unclear or insufficiently explained, then turn to one of the active staff members to help you further.

Always make sure to carefully compare the data of the event from your game to the article you are creating, to ensure a 100% match. Keep in mind that, for simplicity, events on the wiki always reflect the requirements and rewards of the highest level brackets. As such, if your account is lower in level than the highest bracket, simply use the Level Modifier to find the values for higher levels.


The very first step when creating an article is to learn how to create a page. Once you have done that, the article needs to be given an appropriate name. This name will always be the full, official name that can be found in the game itself.

On the wiki, we also reference the starting date of the event, inside parentheses, next to the name of the event, in order to separate events with identical names. As such, all events follow this naming pattern: Name (year[yy]/month[mm]/day[dd]); example: Dinnertime! (16/01/22) or Dragolandia Defenders (16/02/22) etc.

After an appropriate name is chosen, the next step is adding the contents.

Information Box

Absolutely all events make use of an infobox template called the {{EventBox}}, a content-generating tool to simplify event creation. As the documentation of said template is already written, we will dwell on the following steps.

Page Content

As not all page content is filled for some events (only the standard regular ones get auto-populated) additional content has to be added for those. The Templates {{Milestones}}, {{Leaderboard}}, {{BreedingChain}} come to use, as well as some Tables have to be generated for the Chain Breeding Events, Milestone Rewards Events, Chest Opening Events and Dragon Dice Events. The best and easiest way to create these pages is to copy a previous event page and edit the changes (Dragons, Rewards, Milestones, ...).
Links to Dragon pages are only created for the prize Dragon(s), not for the other ones that are e.g. needed for completing the Collection.


The gallery is the place for images of events that do not fit inside the profile of the EventBox. Regular events have virtually no gallery; only some of the very first events still do. Solo Events used a gallery to showcase their tiers. Adding a gallery is done as per the following example:

<gallery widths="200px">
Name of file.jpg
Name of second file.jpg

Image Naming Conventions

These conventions describe the name each type of file will have. Starting with the 30th of August 2018, all events now have a custom-made, generic banner. Naming an image is first done by adding the name of the event the image belongs to and the date of the event, but separated by dots and not slashes: NameEvent (; example: Crowded Nursery (18.08.03). After this first step, the additional identifyer needs to be added in order to identify the type of image.
As such, these are the images that need to be uploaded and properly named:

  • Advertisements:
    • All events, excluding regular ones with regular prizes: NameEvent ( Promotion
    • Regular events with single-Dragon advertisements (example): FullDragonName Promotion (NameEvent)
      • Alternative for regular events with single-Dragon advertisements (example): FullDragonName Event
    • Regular weekend events with two-Dragon advertisements (example): FullDragonName1 & FullDragonName2 Promotion (Weekend Events)
This Wiki is created by players for other players and is not maintained by, or affiliated with, the game maker (Gameloft).
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